
ClanTect’s Motion Detection Technology is used for the detection of hidden human presence in vehicles. It is most commonly used to search the interior of larger vehicles (trucks, containers, trailers, coaches, caravans, tankers, cement mixers, etc), where there are more spaces and places for concealment.

The structures of larger vehicles are primarily composed of steel and aluminium alloys. These metallic frames make it extremely difficult for scanning technologies, such as x-rays, to be used effectively, if at all, for detecting hidden presence inside the vehicles.

There is increased pressure for the faster onward movement of large vehicles, at check points, which makes it impractical and almost impossible to conduct a thorough internal search of the vehicle. For example, it could take 2 or 3 personnel 30-45 minutes (and it could require lifting equipment, such as a fork-lift truck) to offload sufficient contents of a trailer, in order to conduct an in-depth search, and it would take a further 15-30 minutes to reload the contents securely back into the truck. In busy areas, such as port and rail freight terminals and border crossings, there will be hundreds of vehicles queueing to be checked and to carry on their journey. Hence there is neither the time, nor the manpower, available to execute effective manual searches of large vehicles.

In addition, the concealment of fugitives inside the vehicles, is getting increasingly sophisticated. There are new techniques and intelligence being used by crime syndicates, and terrorist groups, who are organising the concealment and transportation of the human ‘cargo’. In parallel the fugitives, particularly the refugees escaping from armed conflicts and oppressive regimes, are desperate and taking enormous risks to conceal themselves in potentially life-threatening positions.

What ClanTect provides is a solution which is fast, easy to use and above all else reliable and accurate.


Market and Location

The threat of illegal and clandestine entry is increasing year on year, across all geographies and in so many different types of locations.

There are a multitude of factors driving this: wars and political upheavals; economic instability; political, ethnic and religious intolerance and persecution; organised crime; terrorism and advances in technology. The attempts of illegal entry are becoming more sophisticated and desperate; hence security services have to be equally diligent and more sophisticated and technically advanced with their counter-measures.

Border Control

Operating at border entry and check-points: Sea and River Ports, Rail Terminals, Land Crossings and Airports.


Preventing unauthorised entry, at the compound entrances, as well as detecting escape attempts by inmates.

Government Buildings

This will include the protection of central, regional and local government offices, as well as public and historic buildings.

Military Sites

Securing permanent headquarters and bases, as well as temporary structures, such as camps and depots.

Critical Infrastructure

Critical Infrastructure

Key industrial and commercial sites including Petro-Chemical, Nuclear Energy Plants, Research Facilities and Distribution and Logistics hubs.

Highway 'Stop and Search'

Police and border patrol forces conducting ad-hoc searches of suspect vehicles, e.g. at roadsides, on highways and in motorway services areas.

The Clantect brochure is available for download